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Parents Helping Out
Hi Parents,
The tennis season comes and goes pretty quickly, and there are a lot of things the coaches could use help with. If you are interested in helping out in any way, drop a note to Autumn at with some information.
Help can come in many forms with very different levels of committment. We'll be happy to get whatever time you can spare. Some options include:
Big Job: Being the main snack gatherer and deliverer for one of the three teams
Smaller Job: Being a one-or-two-time backup snack gatherer or deliverer for one of the three teams
Big Job: Organizing uniform distribution and recovery
Medium Job: Helping out with uniform distribution or recovery
One-Time Job: Helping to hang the windscreens at SHS
Rare Job: Leaf blowing at Ridges or Hawk's View to clear the courts
Big Job: Taking on and organizing a fundraiser
Smaller Job: Helping out with a fundraiser (this may be something like gathering donations from businesses?)
Small Job: Washing a load of nasty towels after we use them to dry the courts
Small Job: Net repair at Hawk's View (for someone who loves zipties)
Or anything else. Some of you probably have skill sets that would be very handy for things we haven't even thought about. Photography, Social Media, Design, Contraption Builder, Baker, Engraver. If you've got a skill or hobby and some ideas, let us know.
What we are really hoping for is a way to spread the load among more people so that too much doesn't get loaded onto just a few people. So, if you've got anywhere from a couple hours to a lot of time, Autumn would love to know.
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